Belmont Chinese American Association

Belmont Chinese American Association 2019 Summer Party Guidelines

1. 聚会由各位志愿者共同组织和各位朋友自愿参加。参与聚会的朋友自愿遵守聚会守则并愿意承担参与聚会有可能的意外或危险。参与聚会的朋友知道如果由聚会的食物引起身体不适我们将不会要求聚会组织单位和个人承担责任。

The Party is organized by all volunteers and all participants join the event voluntarily. All participants agree to follow the guidelines and voluntarily assume all risk and danger incidental to the event. All participants understand that there will be food and drink served at the party and waive all liability for any sickness as to the party organizers.

2. 在会场请尊重志愿者的指引和意见。有任何事宜请向佩戴名牌的志愿者咨询。

Please respect volunteers’ guidance and directions during the event. Please direct any questions to volunteers who

wear name tags.

3. 12岁以下儿童在任何时段不能独自行动。请各位家长看顾好自己的孩子以防止事故或对会场的损坏。如有对会场设施物品的损坏需要赔偿请责任相关家庭承担。

Children under 12 need adult supervision at all times. Parents are responsible for looking after their children to prevent any accidents or damages. Any damages to the facilities and equipments, will be the corresponding family’ liability.

4. 用餐时请尊老爱幼让老人和孩子先取用食物。请排队有序的等候志愿者帮忙分餐. 用餐时请尽量保持地面清洁。对食物过敏的朋友请务必先和食物提供者确认各食物没有过敏源再取用食物。

Please let the elderly and children go first to get food during dinner time. Please waite in lines and let the volunteers to help with dispensing food. Please try to keep the venue clean during party time. For participants who have food allergies, please first confirm with food supplier.

5. 节目开演时请保持安静. 参加各种活动时请排队有序的等候.

Please help maintain a quiet audience during the performance. Please wait in line for all games and activities.

6. 聚会志愿者有权请行为不当的参与者离开会场。

The event volunteers reserve the right without refund or compensation to refuse admission to any persons whose conduct is disorderly and unbecoming.

我已阅读并理解及告知家人以上聚会守则我代表参与活动的全部家庭成员接受并同意守则中各项规定。我同时授权贝尔蒙特华人协会, Foundation for Belmont Education, Belmont Recreation Department, 和各地方新闻媒体在此次聚会上拍摄含有我和家人的照片,并用于他们的网站/脸书/地方新闻的相关报道上.

I have read and understand this guideline, and I accept and agree to all of its terms and conditions on behalf of all my family members who are attending this event. In addition, I consent that Belmont Chinese American Association, Foundation for Belmont Education, Belmont Recreation Department, and local news media may take and use photographs of my family taken during this party on their website/facebook/local news for the purpose of publicity.

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