- 食物领取、活动参与以及抽奖领取都需要展示手环,领取手环后请佩戴手腕上,并配合志愿者的查看。建议携带野餐的毯子或折叠椅,以便就座。
- 如有食物过敏者,请主动询问各potluck食物内容,确保食物安全后再取用。
- 请带有12岁以下孩子的家长随时陪在孩子身边以防走丢或出现安全问题。
- 聚会地址:Payson Park Playground https://goo.gl/maps/KGN8FnGRat32
- 停车事项:请注意路边可以停车,停车时不要挡住附近居民的车道和消防栓,以及公园入口。
- 周日(7月17号)仲夏夜活动安排:
*4:50 注册入场,摆食物,
*5:45 VIP致辞及鸣谢;
*6:00 各项活动游艺开始;
*7:20 抽奖及感谢乐队;
*8:00 散场,清理复原场地。
- 活动简介
我们的活动包括三足跑,沙包,套圈,和bubble soccer。 只要参加活动就可以得到tickets以兑换小礼物。 具体请问各项活动的负责人。
另外游艺活动包括Face painting, bubble making and balloon twisting.
Dear friends of Belmont Chinese Association,
Thank you very much for your registration to join your fellow Belmont friends to celebrate the Summer of 2016 and congratulate Belmont Super kids for finishing the triathlon!
We (event volunteers) look forward to meeting all of you!
Attached please find the common guideline as well as a slip where your signature is needed. Please note that a signed slip will serve as your family’s ticket to allow you to pay the entry fee and receive the bracelet. Please print out the whole page and sign it before coming to the party. (If you don’t have a printer, you may read the guideline now and sign the guideline slip at the park.) Your bracelet(s) will be the identifier for food, activities and prizes. Please wear the bracelet and be ready to show when necessary. You might want to bring a picnic blanket or beach chairs to the party as seating.
For any food allergies, please make sure you understand the food ingredients from the potluck before consuming to ensure you and your family’s safety.
Children under 12 yrs old need parent supervision at all times to guarantee their safety.
Party address: Payson Park Playground https://goo.gl/maps/KGN8FnGRat32.
Parking can be found along the nearby streets. Please follow general regulations while parking, such as no blocking of driveway, park entrance and fire hydrants.
Thanks again and we look forward to the celebration with you!
Belmont Chinese Association